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*Sponsorship - Concentric Network
*Denny's, Inc. - A Letter from Denny's CEO Ron Petty
*The Media - Newspaper and Radio
*Awards - Web Awards
*Other Denny's Links - The Obligatory List
*Viewer Links - Pages with Links to Here


*Concentric Network
Actually, they're not sponsoring me yet... I still have to pay for the web space. I figure it doesn't hurt to be nice to 'em, though.

*The Miami Unix Collective
MUC is the only group that has offered to have any sort of official association with Project:Denny's. Their sponsorship of these pages consists of simply providing the disk space, free of charge. For that, we thank them. Of course, we're no longer located there, but we still love 'em.

Denny's, Inc.

*A Letter from Ron Petty
The folks over at Denny's, Inc, found out about my quest and these pages, and sent me a letter, as well as some goodies (including a tshirt, some caps, a keychain, $30 worth of gift c certificates, and other fun stuff). They've been very friendly towards me so far, and haven't yet threatened to sue me for my violation of copyright, and I hope that they continue that trend. You can read the text of the letter if you like. (Of course, another view of this is that I've given them thousands of dollars worth of free radio, print, and web advertizing, and all they've given me is thirty bucks and some trinkets. If your point of view is along these lines, I wouldn't object to you suggesting to them that they give me more stuff. 1-800-7-DENNYS. You didn't get the idea from me, though. Remember that.)

The Media

*The Dallas Morning News
One nice viewer of these pages (I forget his name) saw that i was planning on going to Dallas, and so notified the Dallas Morning News about my impending visit. Teresa Gubbins (writer) and Richard Pruitt (photographer) were assigned to the case. They followed me around Arlington, Texas, interviewing me and taking photos as we went. The article was on the front page of the "Today" section on Monday, March 25, 1996. After its original publication, the article was picked up by newspapers all across the country. You can read the text of the article here without having to go out and buy your own copy.

*Crazy and Wacky Radio Morning Show DJs
As these things seem to go, various radio stations noticed the articles, and started contacting me. On average, I received three or four phone calls a day from different radio stations, and that only stopped because I moved after about a month (thought not because of the phone calls). These interviews were usually qutie basic, and it seemed that very few of them were even aware of the web pages or of my quest for free stuff. In other words, they were content with just the idea of me visiting Denny's. Some people are entertained by the strangest things...

*The Web Magazine
I haven't seen the article yet, but apparently we were reviewed in the premiere issue of this magazine, which hit the stands on September 17, 1996. We were featured right next to the Exploding Heads web page, which is fitting, as that page was the first to have a link to us.
I have seen the online version, though, and not only were we picked as a "weird" site, we were the featured weird site. Hell, the ONION only got in the Top 5. Yeah, yeah, I know Web Awards are meaningless, but it's still kinda fun.
*Internet Underground
Picked as a "weird" site in their October issue. I'm underground! I'm alternative! I'm hip and happenin'! Why do I suddenly feel like wearing a black turtleneck, drinking carrot juice and writing bad poetry for inclusion in some "zine"?
*The Net
Given a pretty damn good revue in their "bluepages". Word has it we're in the running for some sort of design contest, too. No accounting for taste, I suppose.
*The Washington Post
Featured among the web reviews in the "Style" section on November 21, 1996. Read the text of it if you're so inclined.
*Restaurant Business Magazine
Mentioned as the "flip side" in a cover story about negative restaurant information online.

WWW Awards

We've been receiving a bit of 'Net attention here lately at Project: Denny's, and these awards folks always want you to put a link to their pages up. Since I have no shame, I oblige them. Don't be afraid to suggest my pages to your favourite "Cool Links" pages. I won't mind. If you found these pages through an award page not listed here, I'd love to hear about it. Please send me feedback with the referring URL (or at least the name). Thanks.

*Catch of the Day
Something smells fishy on June 25, 1996

*Daily Double Award
One good and one bad site per day. Even tho' I tried to argue against it, we were picked as the good site.

*Funky Mama Awards
An award for spiffy-lookin' graphics.

*Genius Geek Picks
Picked on April 17, 1996. Only 2 stars out of 4, but I've had thousands of more hits than they have anyway, so thpthptphtpht.

*Hotwired - Net Surf
The WWW branch of Wired Magazine. Picked and thrown in their archives under "D" (appropriately enough).

*The Internet Chart Show
Some sort of top ten list. I wasn't number one.

This one gave us four stars, and included us in the "Easy Driver" page. Check out the review.

*MDL Best of Campus
Listed in the "M" section, right next to MIT.

*Netsurfer Digest
More of the same. Here's the issue we were in.

*Point's Top 5% of the Web
It was bound to happen eventually. Actually, it happened twice for some reason. Here's our first review, and our second.
*PRN Radio
Another site that's reviewed us twice. Their first web broadcast was when they were called "Radio One" and was on June 5, 1996. They've since changed their name, and decided to review us again on September 9,1996.

*Sick & Twisted Sites

*The Spider's Web
On-line magazine. I was interviewed for the "PPP Connection" column of Issue 8 (May 15, 1996). When I gave the interview, I was averaging about three hours of sleep every other day, so my answers aren't always coherent or senseworthy.

Picked April 23, 1996. I've been picked by suck. I can die happy now.

[scene: people drinking green coffee and eating greasy food] [Voiceover: These people are creating cholesterol and heart problems that will plague them for years to come. Is there something missing here? The computer. And a level of standards.] I was featured on WebTV's "startup page" on January 22, 1997.

*Worst of the Web
Picked on February 25, 1997. I find it ironic that not only would Project:Denny's have never been picked by Mirsky's original WOTW, but this new site surely would have been.

I'm not a member of Compuserve's new "Wow!" program, so I haven't seen the article, but they told me that I was reviewed under some "road trip" section in September, 1996. They even sent me a text version of the article.

*Yahoo's Picks of the Week
Only up for a month, barely had any updates, and already chosen for the week of March 25, 1996, under some sort of "Celebration of Spring". Must have been short on good links that week. At the end of 1996, Yahoo! selected thirty or so of their Weekly Picks from the past year and featured them again. Go figure.

Denny's Links

A list of other places on the 'Net related to everyone's favourite all-night greasy-spoon restaurant (no, not Waffle House).

*Denny's - supposedly the Denny's site, but still under construction

*Hologram Baseball Cards - an official Denny's site

*Denny's Jingles! - Jingle 1 | Jingle 2

*Denny's Online - online menu

*Pas' Denny's Page - includes complete Denny's listing

*Denny's on Macon Rd. - Columbus, Georgia

*Denny's Will Bring You Happiness - in Pennsylvania

*Club Denny's

*The Great Mystical Denny's - some cascade from some BBS

*The Self-Service Denny's - it's funny because it's true

*Steve York's Artifact Page - check out #2

*InReview - Denny's for College Credit

*"King" of Denny's - er... okay.

*alt.food.dennys - Usenet newsgroup

Viewer Links

Here is a list of personal web pages with links to here. I appreciate the publicity, so I return the favor. However, it was getting to be a bit much with all the graphics, so the sites listed with icons are ones that are either connected with Project:Denny's or are ones that I feel capture the "essense" of the project. If you found these pages through something not listed here, I'd love to hear about it. Please send me feedback with the referring URL. Thanks.

*The Exploding Head Page

*J-R's Page

*Matthew and Jake's Adventures

*OX ROX!!!
*Planet SOMA



[These        pages conceived, written, and maintained by Jason Alan Pfaff.]

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